Head South

Photo Credit: Head South

Head South

Head South embodies a profound philosophy that prioritizes enriching human experiences and pleasure. Committed to creating minimalistic, high-quality products that enhance both solo and partnered experiences, the Brand operates on a small-batch production model out of Los Angeles. The brand is dedicated to sustainability, utilizing refillable packaging to minimize waste and maintaining a conscientious approach to pleasure. Head South strives to transform everyday experiences into moments of deep fulfillment and joy by placing pleasure and people before profit.

The visionary behind Head South, Cat Meyer, embarked on her journey during her youth when she recognized the limitations of traditional sex education that focused predominantly on abstinence and disease prevention. Driven by a blend of frustration and curiosity, Cat pursued a deeper understanding of human sexuality and the integral role of pleasure. Her relentless quest for knowledge and dedication to empowerment through education has positioned her as a pioneer in advocating for a holistic and inclusive approach to sexual wellness. Cat's commitment to breaking taboos and fostering open, inclusive dialogue makes Head South not just a brand, but a movement towards greater understanding and appreciation of sexual well-being.


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