Common Heir

Photo Credit: Common Heir

Common Heir

Common Heir is an innovative skincare brand founded by Angela Ubias and Cary Lin in 2020. Driven by a shared vision of sustainability and inclusivity, they set out to create a line of clean, high-performance skincare products that would make a positive impact on both the planet and the people who use them. With a deep commitment to reimagining beauty traditions, Common Heir offers innovative solutions that prioritize the environment, effective formulations, and a luxurious experience.

Inspired by their diverse backgrounds and beauty legacies, Cary and Angela developed Common Heir to be a gateway brand to a more consciously sustainable lifestyle. They go beyond recyclable packaging by introducing biodegradable capsules, aiming to reduce harm to the environment. With a focus on inclusivity, their products cater to melanated skin and are crafted with active ingredients that deliver universal benefits. By blending innovation, sustainability, and approachability, Common Heir is reshaping the beauty industry and empowering individuals to cultivate beauty while honoring and preserving the earth.


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